Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Wouldn't It Be Nice?

Wouldn't it be nice to have a leader who does not put our troops into harms way based on false pretenses and squander trillions of dollars that could be used at home?

Wouldn't it be nice to have a leader who invests in infrastructure and jobs instead of cancelling a critical trans-Hudson tunnel project on false pretenses?

Wouldn't it be nice to have leaders at all levels of government who wake up to the fact that tax cuts for the wealthy do not create jobs?

Wouldn't it be nice to have a chief executive who treats all people with dignity and grants them equal rights - including the right to marry the person they love?

Wouldn't it be nice to have a leader who understands the Constitutional concept of separation of state and church?

Wouldn't it be nice to have a leader who tells the truth?

It was nice when George W Bush's stain on the White House was finally removed.

It will be nice when Chris Christie loses to a Democrat in 2013.

And it will be nice when Mitt Romney is sent back to Massachusetts to tend to his fortune after November.

1 comment:

  1. Here are the Afghanistan statistics:

    Coalition Military Fatalities By Year
    Year US UK Other Total
    2001 12 0 0 12
    2002 49 3 18 70
    2003 48 0 10 58
    2004 52 1 7 60
    2005 99 1 31 131
    2006 98 39 54 191
    2007 117 42 73 232
    2008 155 51 89 295
    2009 317 108 96 521
    2010 499 103 109 711
    2011 418 46 102 566
    2012 68 14 25 107
    Total 1932 408 614 2954

    HIGHEST total in a Bush year - 155
    LOWEST total in an Obama year - 317

    If Obama is going to run as the antiwar candidate, he is going to have to run against himself.
